Legal Notices

You must read these legal notices carefully.

Your use of the site is deemed as acceptance of the conditions outlined below.

This site and its content are governed exclusively by French law. These conditions and the relationship between SAS AISHA TOURS ETHIOPIA and users are subject to French law, and any dispute that cannot be resolved amicably will be brought before the competent courts in Paris.

Site Owner

SAS with a capital of 7,500 euros

Headquarters and Administrative Office: 39 rue Périer – 92120 Montrouge (France)
RCS NANTERRE 812 548 295 – SIRET 812 548 295 00011
VAT Number: FR 74 812548295
Professional Liability Insurance:
HISCOX – 19 Rue Le Grand – 75002 Paris
Guarantor: GROUPAMA ASSURANCE-CREDIT – 8-10 Rue d’Astor – 75008 Paris
Atout France Registration: IM092160001

Phone: (+33)

AISHA TOURS ETHIOPIA in Ethiopia: Addis Ababa – Sub City YEKA
Worda 08 House No. 333/4
Avenue Hile G/Sellasse – French Kiss Building
P.O BOX 26443 – ADDIS ABEBA – Ethiopia

License No. EIA-OL3502/2014
Phone: (+251) 912.988.734


Publication Director and Editor-in-Chief

Mr. Eric MUZEYEN – President

Creation Agency: Breizh Digital
Publication Manager: Mr. Eric MUZEYEN –
Webmaster: Breizh Digital –
Hosting Provider: OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

Site Modifications

The publication director, Mr. Eric MUZEYEN, reserves the right to modify or supplement the content of this site, Aisha Tours Ethiopia, at any time, including these legal notices and the privacy policy. By using this site, you accept the terms described below.

Purpose of the Site

The Aisha Tours Ethiopia site provides information about the activities and products of Aisha Tours Ethiopia.

The publication manager, Mr. Eric MUZEYEN, strives to provide the most up-to-date information possible. However, this information is provided for guidance only and may change or have changed.

Intellectual Property

The entire site is subject to French and international copyright and intellectual property laws. All reproduction rights are reserved, including iconographic and photographic representations. Reproduction, adaptation, and/or translation of all or part of this site on any medium is strictly prohibited without the express permission of the publication director, Mr. Eric MUZEYEN.

Limitations of Liability

Mr. Eric MUZEYEN cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damage caused to the user's equipment while accessing the Aisha Tours Ethiopia site.
Mr. Eric MUZEYEN also cannot be held responsible for indirect damages (such as loss of market or loss of opportunity) resulting from the use of the Aisha Tours Ethiopia site.
The Aisha Tours Ethiopia site contains several hyperlinks to other sites, established with the permission of Mr. Eric MUZEYEN. However, Mr. Eric MUZEYEN cannot verify the content of these sites and therefore assumes no responsibility in this regard.
This site is generally accessible to users at all times. However, a technical maintenance interruption may be decided by Aisha Tours Ethiopia, which will then endeavor to inform users of the dates and times of the intervention in advance.

Privacy Policy and Cookies

Data Controller of the Aisha Tours Ethiopia Site

The data controller for the Aisha Tours Ethiopia site is Mr. Eric MUZEYEN.

Use of Collected Personal Data


If you are a registered user and upload images to the website, we advise you to avoid uploading images containing EXIF GPS data. Visitors to our website can download and extract location data from these images.

Contact Forms

If you respond to a form on our site, we will ask you to confirm that we can use your personal data to process your request.
Note: Without your consent, we cannot respond to your request.
Data entered in the contact form is stored until you request its deletion or revoke your consent to its storage.


If you have an account and log in to this site, a temporary cookie will be created to determine if your browser accepts cookies. It does not contain personal data and will be deleted automatically when you close your browser.

When you log in, we will set up a number of cookies to save your login information and screen preferences. The lifespan of a login cookie is two days, while that of a screen option cookie is one year. If you check "Remember me," your login cookie will be retained for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookie will be deleted.

In addition to these cookies, which ensure the proper functioning of the site, we use other cookies. You can modify your cookie preferences by changing these Settings.

Embedded Content from Other Sites

Articles or pages on this site may include embedded content (e.g., videos, images, articles…). Embedded content from other sites behaves in the same way as if the visitor had visited that other site.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed third-party tracking tools, and track your interactions with the embedded content if you have an account connected to their site.

Statistics and Audience Measurement

For statistical purposes, we use internal tools that we guarantee to be confidential and will not be shared with third parties. The cookies used for these internal statistics comply with CNIL recommendations and do not require your prior consent.
We also use Google Analytics, but you can choose to enable or disable it in the cookie settings (button "Settings" above).

Use and Transmission of Your Personal Data

Data Storage Durations

If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This allows for the automatic recognition and approval of subsequent comments instead of leaving them in the moderation queue.

For users who register on our site (if possible), we also store the personal data provided in their profile. All users can view, modify, or delete their personal information at any time (except their username). Site managers can also view and modify this information.

Your Rights Regarding Your Data

If you have an account or have left comments on the site, you can request to receive a file containing all the personal data we hold about you, including data you have provided to us. You can also request the deletion of your personal data. This does not include data stored for administrative, legal, or security reasons. Thus, we respect your rights of access, correction, deletion, restriction of processing, data portability, and the right to lodge a complaint with supervisory authorities.
If you wish to exercise any of the rights mentioned above, you can do so by sending an email to

Transmission of Your Personal Data

Visitor comments may be checked using an automated spam detection service.
No personal information of Aisha Tours Ethiopia site users is exchanged, transferred, assigned, or sold on any medium to third parties. Only the possibility of Aisha Tours Ethiopia being acquired would allow for the transmission of such information to the potential purchaser, who would then be bound by the same obligations of data preservation and modification regarding the site's users.

Contact Information

If you have questions about privacy issues, you can contact Mr. Eric MUZEYEN at

How We Protect Your Data

We make every effort to ensure the protection of the data collected on the site. This includes using the TLS protocol (visible by the root "https://" at the beginning of the site address and often symbolized by a green padlock in the address bar) to protect communication between the user's browser and our server.
The hosting provider and service providers also comply with standard internet security norms and current rules on personal data protection.

Procedures Implemented in Case of Data Breach

In the event of a data breach, we will adhere to the legal guidelines for alerting the relevant supervisory authorities.

Third-Party Services that Provide Us with Data

We reserve the right to use the services of third-party companies for which we will have previously verified compliance with applicable laws.