Why choose Aisha Tours Ethiopia for your trip to Ethiopia ?

French travel specialist in Ethiopia

Aisha Tours Ethiopia was founded with a clear vision, to share the beauty and cultural riches of Ethiopia with the world.

We are committed to supporting you throughout your trip, from the first day to the end of your trip, informing you as best we can, advising you based on your interests and preferences.
We are also committed to controlling the smooth running of your trip without any other intermediary, without additional cost and above all without delegating the success of our promise to others.

Soyez assuré que nous mettons tout en œuvre pour vous offrir des expériences authentiques, enrichissantes et mémorables tout en favorisant des rencontres uniques avec la population locale, des découvertes culturelles et des aventures inoubliables.

Join us on a journey to the heart of Ethiopia, where warm hospitality, cultural diversity and natural beauty await you at every turn.

Aisha Tours Ethiopia is also known for

For everyone

Our ability to offer experiences adapted to different types of travel, whether adventure, relaxation, cultural, sporting, historical, religious... and meet the varied needs of travelers, whether in groups, families or individuals.

Value for money

Competitive prices while guaranteeing you quality service

Total flexibility

Our accessibility, our diversity of offerings and our commitment to providing experiences adapted to every type of traveler


Our careful drivers, passionate guides selected for their good level of French and respect for the values of Aisha Tours Ethiopia

At Aisha Tours Ethiopia, we attach great importance to the selection of our guides and drivers. They are the guarantors of the success of your trip and your experience in Ethiopia.
Our selection criteria :

  • Expertise and in-depth knowledge of Ethiopia : Our guides and drivers have in-depth knowledge of Ethiopian history, culture and traditions. They are passionate about their country and will know how to pass on their enthusiasm to you.
  • Field experience : They have solid field experience and have a perfect command of Ethiopian roads and trails. They are able to drive you safely and show you the most authentic places in the country.
  • Relational qualities : They have excellent relational qualities and a keen sense of customer service. They listen to your needs and strive to provide you with a personalized and unforgettable experience.
  • Language proficiency : They are fluent in English and French and other local languages. They are able to communicate effectively with you and with local people.

In addition to these strict criteria, we also ensure that our guides and drivers respect our core values and commitments.

The Aisha Tours Ethiopia network

Aisha Tours Ethiopia has a strong and extensive network throughout the country. Through our carefully established local partnerships, we have the ability to organize tailor-made trips and ensure that every step of our travelers' experience runs smoothly.

We ensure our guests are in safe hands at every stage of their journey, with a focus on safety, comfort and authenticity of the experiences offered.
As a locally anchored company with over 15 years of experience in tourism in Ethiopia, we have in-depth knowledge of the regions we explore and the resources to meet all of our travelers' needs. We work closely with local partners to ensure a positive and lasting impact.

Our network in Ethiopia and our perfect knowledge of the country are our major assets to offer memorable and enriching trips to those who choose to travel with Aisha Tours Ethiopia.

« Live a unique and unforgettable adventure through an organized trip tailored to your desires with Aisha EthiopiaTours ! »