Terms of sales

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The combination of travel services offered to you is a package as defined by Directive (EU) 2015/2302 and Article L.211-2 II of the Tourism Code.

You will benefit from all the rights granted by the European Union applicable to packages, as transposed into the Tourism Code. Aisha Tours Ethiopia will be fully responsible for the proper execution of the package as a whole.

Additionally, as required by law, Aisha Tours Ethiopia has protection in place to refund your payments and, if transportation is included in the package, to ensure your repatriation in the event of insolvency.

**Essential Rights Provided by Directive (EU) 2015/2302 Transposed into the Tourism Code:**

- Travelers will receive all essential information about the package before concluding the package travel contract.
- The organizer and the retailer are responsible for the proper execution of all travel services included in the contract.
- The organizer is required to assist the traveler in case of difficulty.
- Travelers receive an emergency phone number or contact details of a point of contact allowing them to reach the organizer or retailer.
- Travelers can transfer their package to another person, with reasonable notice and possibly subject to paying additional fees.
- The package price can only be increased if specific costs increase (e.g., fuel prices) and if this possibility is explicitly provided in the contract, and in any case, it cannot be modified less than twenty days before the start of the package. If the price increase exceeds 8% of the package price, the traveler may cancel the contract. If the organizer reserves the right to increase the price, the traveler is entitled to a price reduction in the event of corresponding cost decreases.
- Travelers may cancel the contract without paying cancellation fees and be fully refunded for payments made if one of the essential elements of the package, other than the price, undergoes a significant change. If, before the start of the package, the professional responsible for the package cancels it, travelers may obtain a refund and compensation, if applicable.
- Travelers may cancel the contract without paying cancellation fees before the start of the package in the event of exceptional circumstances, such as serious security issues at the destination that are likely to affect the package.
- Additionally, travelers may, at any time before the start of the package, cancel the contract subject to the payment of appropriate and justifiable cancellation fees.
- If, after the start of the package, significant elements of it cannot be provided as planned, other appropriate services must be offered to travelers at no extra charge.
- Travelers may cancel the contract without paying cancellation fees when the services are not performed according to the contract, significantly disrupting the execution of the package, and the organizer does not remedy the problem.
- Travelers are also entitled to a price reduction and/or compensation in the event of non-performance or improper performance of the travel services.
- The organizer or retailer must assist if the traveler is in difficulty.
- If the organizer or retailer becomes insolvent, the amounts paid will be refunded. If the organizer or retailer becomes insolvent after the start of the package and if transportation is included in the package, the repatriation of travelers is guaranteed. Aisha Tours Ethiopia has taken out insolvency protection with GROUPAMA. Travelers may contact this organization if services are refused due to the insolvency of Aisha Tours Ethiopia: GROUPAMA ASSURANCE-CREDIT – 8-10 Rue d’Astor – 75008 Paris – Directive (EU) 2015/2302 can be consulted at www.legifrance.gouv.fr
AISHA TOURS ETHIOPIA defines its specific sales conditions (CPV) based on the specifics of its trips. Any purchase of a trip implies acceptance of these conditions. In case of contradiction between the CPV in the brochure and those on the website, the latter will prevail.

**1 - Tailor-Made Trips**

Aisha Tours Ethiopia offers to design your trip according to your wishes and provides dedicated brochures, suggests itineraries, and gives budget ranges. To obtain your personalized travel program, you must submit your request for a quote by phone or email to info@aishatoursethiopia.com or via the dedicated form on our website www.aishatoursethiopia.com under the “don’t forget our tailor-made itineraries” section.

Depending on the complexity of the request, Aisha Tours Ethiopia will provide you with a quote within a minimum of 3 working days from the expression of your wishes, with a validity period, containing your travel program and its firm and final price, including all fees, taxes, and services.

If the validity period of your quote expires, Aisha Tours Ethiopia may issue a new quote for your trip if certain terms, especially pricing, need to be adjusted. Once you confirm this quote within its validity period, you may register by initialing and signing the registration form and the specific sales conditions, which will be communicated to you. The registration form must be accompanied by the documents specified in the form.

**2 - Registration and Payment**

**2.1 - Registration**

You can register for our trips using the registration form available upon request. Your registration is final upon receipt of the completed, dated, and signed registration form.

Registration for one of our trips implies acceptance of the information in the Tourism Code and our specific conditions. In accordance with Article L221-28 of the Consumer Code, this contract is not subject to the right of withdrawal.

**2.2 - Payment Terms**

A deposit of 35% is payable on the day of registration if the registration is made more than 30 days before the departure date, and 100% of the international flight ticket price if Aisha Tours Ethiopia is responsible for purchasing your flight. Additionally, 100% of the travel insurance price must be paid upon registration if you choose the insurance offered by Aisha Tours Ethiopia.

The balance of the travel payment, i.e., 65% of the total travel price, is due 30 days before the departure date. For registrations less than 30 days before the departure date, payment must be made in one lump sum and for the full amount of the trip.

For any payment, an invoice will be sent to you as soon as possible and no later than 8 days after any collection. The balance of the travel price must be paid, without our reminder, no later than 30 days before departure. Any delay in payment of a deposit or the balance may be considered as a cancellation, for which the cancellation fees specified in Article 4 will apply.

Any trip interrupted or shortened by you for any reason will not result in any refund other than that provided by the insurance conditions.

Any payment made less than 15 days before the departure date must be made by credit card or in cash within the limit provided by Article L 112-8 of the Monetary and Financial Code, i.e., an amount of €3,000 per file.

Payment for the trip can be made by check, bank transfer, or direct debit. The chosen option must be indicated on the registration form.

In case of payment by check, it must accompany the registration form. It should be made out to Aisha Tours Ethiopia.
In case of payment by bank transfer, a copy of the transfer notice must be sent with the registration form.
In case of payment by direct debit by credit card, Aisha Tours Ethiopia will send you a secure payment link by email or SMS.

**2.3 - Processing Fees**

No processing fees at registration.

For any reservation made less than 5 days before departure, “urgent fees” of €50 will be charged per file.
- Extending your stay or an early departure on our guided tours is possible if the request for modification is made at the time of registration. Apart from the price of additional services, a fee of €150 per person will be charged.

**2.4 - Itinerary Changes**

Aisha Tours Ethiopia reserves the right to modify itineraries, accommodations, and make all necessary arrangements, possibly without prior notice, if circumstances require such changes.

**3 - Air Transport**

**3.1 - Air Tickets**

The prices of trips organized by Aisha Tours Ethiopia do not include international flights. If you wish for Aisha Tours Ethiopia to book the international flight, it will be provided by Ethiopian Airlines and 100% of the ticket price must be paid to Aisha Tours Ethiopia on the day of registration.

Once a deposit is received from a client, all national flights that are part of the itinerary are confirmed by full payment to the respective airlines. In the event of cancellation by the client, refunds on pre-paid flight tickets are subject to the cancellation policy of the respective airlines. The cancellation conditions below do not apply to air tickets.

Flight schedules may vary up to a few days before departure depending on traffic permissions given by the relevant authorities. To avoid confusion between various notifications, we will only provide schedules confirmed by the airline. Departures and arrivals may be very early or very late. Under no circumstances will Aisha Tours Ethiopia cover the costs related to these schedules or justify a potential cancellation or any refund. Airlines do not refund the fuel surcharge for non-refundable air tickets.

**3.2 - Transport Conditions – International, Domestic Flights in Ethiopia, or Chartered Flights**

The general and specific conditions of transport of the airline are accessible through the airline's website or upon request. In accordance with the Warsaw Convention, the airline may change, without prior notice, schedules, routes, departure and arrival airports.

Considering the conditions applied by airlines (regular, domestic flights within the destination country, or chartered flights), if the traveler fails to show up for the outbound flight or any of the flights in a series (air pass), the return flight or other flights in the series will be automatically canceled by the airline. The traveler will then need to purchase new tickets at their own expense based on available seats to continue their journey.

If, due to modifications by the airline, including technical, climatic, or political incidents external to Aisha Tours Ethiopia, delays or cancellations, or strikes external to Aisha Tours Ethiopia, additional stops, changes in aircraft, routes, or political or climatic events, the traveler decides to cancel the trip, they will be charged the cancellation fees mentioned in Article 4 below. Aisha Tours Ethiopia will not refund expenses (taxis, hotels, transport, meals, etc.) once the client is under the airline's protection.

In the event of delays in transport at departure or return, and/or damage or loss of luggage, denial of boarding (overbooking), and/or flight cancellations by the airline, we recommend that the traveler keep all original documents (tickets, boarding passes, baggage claim tags, or others) and request written proof from the airline in case of denial of boarding (overbooking) or flight cancellations.

The traveler should send their claim to the airline as soon as possible, considering the short deadlines imposed, along with copies of supporting documents and keep the originals. Aisha Tours Ethiopia may, in case of difficulty, intervene with the airline to assist the traveler in resolving the claim.

Under Article R211-5 of the Tourism Code, we reserve the right to use an airline different from those listed in the contractual airline list for your trip. In all cases, in accordance with the new regulations (R211-4 paragraph 13, R211-6 paragraph 20, R211-11), we will inform you of the identity of the actual carrier as soon as it is known, and no later than 8 days before the date of the trip set in the contract.

**3.3 - Transport to and from the Trip**

If you organize your pre- and post-trip arrangements (transport, hotel, etc.) to and from the start of the trip and your home upon return independently, we recommend purchasing changeable and/or refundable services (transport tickets, etc.) and allowing sufficient transfer time between airports/stations. In the event of force majeure, unforeseen and insurmountable events from a third party or the traveler affecting the services of your Aisha Tours Ethiopia trip and requiring modifications to the aforementioned services, Aisha Tours Ethiopia will not refund the incurred costs.

**4 - Cancellation Conditions and Fees**

**4.1 - If the Client Needs to Cancel Their Trip**

They must inform Aisha Tours Ethiopia by any written means that provides acknowledgment of receipt, as soon as the reason for the cancellation occurs: the date of issuance of the written notice will be considered the cancellation date for billing cancellation fees. Visa fees are non-refundable by Aisha Tours Ethiopia.

Cancellation fees will be due and payable according to the following criteria:

- More than 60 days before the departure date: No fees
- From 60 to 31 days before the departure date: 15% of the trip price
- From 30 to 21 days before the departure date: 25% of the trip price
- From 20 to 14 days before the departure date: 50% of the trip price
- From 13 to 7 days before the departure date: 75% of the trip price
- Less than 7 days before the departure date: 100% of the trip price

No refund will be made for no-show or for any or part of unused services. The price of flight tickets is not subject to cancellation fees.

**4.2 - Other Terms**

If one or more travelers registered on the same booking (Registration Form) cancel their participation in a trip that is still proceeding for the other participants:

- For personal services (non-shared): the cancellation fee scale above (Article 4) will apply to the traveler(s) who cancel(s) based on the price of the unused services (air tickets, etc.) of the trip at the date of cancellation.
- For shared services: fees equal to 100%, regardless of the cancellation date, will be charged to the participant(s) who cancel(s) for their share of the shared services of the trip.
- When several clients are registered on the same booking and one of them cancels their trip, the cancellation fees are deducted from the amounts received by Aisha Tours Ethiopia for this booking, regardless of who made the payment.

In case of cancellation for any reason, external expenses to the trip booked with Aisha Tours Ethiopia and incurred by the client, such as transportation costs to the trip departure point and back home, visa fees, travel documents, vaccination costs, will not be refunded.

**5 - Prices**

**5.1 - Tours**

The applicable prices are those available on the website for your tour. The price per tour and per traveler is set based on a minimum number of participants mentioned in the tour offer.

For fewer participants, the technical conditions for carrying out the trip may differ, and we may need to charge you an additional "small group" fee no later than 21 days before the departure date. However, Aisha Tours Ethiopia will refund this fee if additional bookings bring the number of participants up to the required level.

For any tour requests not matching the price based on a minimum number of participants, the applicable price will be the one indicated in the quote provided by Aisha Tours Ethiopia with a validity date. Our quotes are always subject to the availability of the proposed services. To book these services, the client must pay the deposit amount stated in the quote and complete and sign the corresponding registration form.

**5.2 - All Trips with Aisha Tours Ethiopia**

The prices mentioned in our travel brochure include the services specific to each type of trip and the special requests of travelers. These services are described in the travel brochure.

Our prices are established based on different participant bases. At the time of booking, you will be charged based on the lowest number of participants. Thirty days before departure, if we have exceeded the maximum number of participants in this base, we will send you a corrected invoice with a partial refund corresponding to the price difference between the two pricing bases.

In accordance with Articles L.211-12, R. 211-8, and R. 211-9 of the Tourism Code, our prices may vary up to 20 days before departure. If the variation exceeds 8% of the initial price and you are already registered, you have the option to cancel your trip without fees within 8 days following the notification of this increase.

We can make adjustments upward or downward, as long as they are not significant, without the possibility of cancellation without charges on your part, for the following reasons:

- Variations in transport costs, notably due to fuel costs
- Variations in fees and taxes related to provided services, such as landing, boarding, and disembarking fees at ports and airports. Aisha Tours Ethiopia will charge you the full additional cost incurred.
- Your refusal to pay this price adjustment will be considered as a cancellation.

If one or more travelers registered on the same registration form cancel, the trip may still proceed as long as the remaining participants pay Aisha Tours Ethiopia any additional costs for services that had to be modified due to the cancellation of the traveler(s). Any refusal by the remaining travelers to pay this adjustment will be considered as a cancellation by them, with the application of the fee scale from Article 4 above.

**6 - Special Conditions**

Only the services and conditions mentioned in the detailed brochure related to the proposed trip and provided to you for your registration with Aisha Tours Ethiopia or on the website www.aishatoursethiopia.com are considered contractual. In case of contradiction between the information about a trip in our detailed brochure and the website, the details in the brochure will prevail.

All our trips (unless otherwise stated) are planned with double room accommodations (two people). When possible, a single room may be requested from Aisha Tours Ethiopia, with an additional charge.

**6.1 - Unused Services/Changes**

Services voluntarily modified by the client on-site are subject to the conditions of local providers: additional or replacement services that incur extra costs must be paid directly to travel agencies or local providers and cannot, under any circumstances, engage the responsibility of Aisha Tours Ethiopia. Unused services on-site (transfers, excursions, accommodations, etc.) will not be refunded.

**6.2 - Single Room**

A person traveling alone may request a single room/tent for the additional cost indicated in our price grid in the detailed brochure of the trip. If, due to availability, requisitions, or other reasons, the single room/tent is not available for the entire tour, unused services will be refunded proportionally and without other compensation.

On “guided tours,” a client who registered alone and did not opt for a single room will be charged the single room supplement at the time of registration. However, if we find someone to share the room, we will deduct this supplement from the final payment. Price for 3 people: double room + an extra bed (this service is not comfortable for adults, so we recommend a single room). If the third person desires a single room, the supplement will be charged.

**6.3 - Custom Tours and Partial Services**

For all custom tours, the trip is developed with the traveler and may involve partial services.

In the case of vehicle rental, the itinerary is defined in advance, and the traveler must adhere to this itinerary. Any changes to the itinerary initiated by the traveler must be approved by Aisha Tours Ethiopia. Costs incurred by changes to the itinerary or program initiated by the traveler (fuel, hotel rooms) will be entirely at the traveler’s expense.

**7 - Travel Information**

**7.1 - Administrative Formalities**

Before registering for your trip, you must ensure that each traveler, based on their personal situation and nationality, holds a passport valid for 6 months after the end of the stay, as well as any other required documents (visa, family booklet) that meet the requirements for transiting or entering Ethiopia.

Aisha Tours Ethiopia provides information on customs and health formalities for French nationals in its travel offer. It is the responsibility of French travelers to verify that they have all the necessary administrative and health documents required for their trip. Travelers of other nationalities should inquire about the administrative (visas) and health (vaccinations) formalities required, particularly through their respective embassies and consulates, before registering and traveling.

A traveler who cannot board a flight due to failure to present the required police, customs, and/or health documents will not be entitled to any refund of the trip price. Aisha Tours Ethiopia cannot be held responsible for the consequences of non-compliance with police, customs, or health regulations before or during the trip (e.g., loss of identity documents and/or flight tickets). Certain countries and/or airlines have implemented new formalities, so for any quote or registration request, you must now provide:

- Your names, first name(s), and date of birth as they appear on the passport you will use for your trip and for completing transit or entry authorizations.
- Specify the gender (male (M) or female (F)) for each traveler (including children and infants).

Note: You must provide these same details (name, first name(s), date of birth, and gender) exactly as required for all other forms needed for your trip, including flights with Ethiopian airlines. Failure to comply with this procedure may result in denial of entry to the transit or destination territory.

**7.2 - Information on Security and Health Risks**

Aisha Tours Ethiopia advises you to regularly consult the country-specific information sheets from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs related to your trip (destination and transit countries) on the website www.diplomatie.fr, section “French Citizens Abroad,” or by phone at (monitoring unit).

Health Risks: We encourage you to regularly check information from competent authorities regarding health risks in the countries you will visit and follow the health recommendations and measures to combat these risks, available on www.sante.gouv.fr (Ministry of Health), www.who.int/fr/ (World Health Organization), or upon request from our advisors.

Technical, climatic, or other unforeseen events may directly or indirectly require us to alter the route, schedules, or sequence of stages of a trip. Due to the sometimes rugged nature of our trips and the isolation we may experience on parts of the itinerary, potentially several days away from the nearest rescue center, we recommend undertaking them only in good health. Given the specifics of our tours, they are not suited for individuals with reduced mobility.

This frequent distance from rescue possibilities necessitates special caution in any actions undertaken during the trip (swimming, climbing, riding animals, etc.).

You should also always avoid isolating yourself from the group (swimming, desert, forest, etc.).

Our guides carry a first aid kit when necessary. However, it may not contain the specific medication you might need, so it is recommended to bring your own medications. If you experience fatigue or specific pain during the trip, report it as soon as it occurs, clearly and simply, to your guide, who will take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

**8 - Client Requests for Changes Before Departure**

Any request for modification made by the client regarding any of the trip's services after registration and before the issuance of nominative tickets (plane tickets or others) will be charged 5% of the amount of the modified services with a minimum of €75 per file, provided that Aisha Tours Ethiopia is able to accommodate this request and it is made more than 35 days before the departure date. We wish to clarify that any modification or change to the name after the issuance of plane tickets, regardless of the change date, will incur penalties and/or modification fees imposed by airlines and/or administrative authorities (authorizations, visas), which will be passed on to you.

**9 - Group Sizes - Minors**

**9.1 - For Tours**

Unless otherwise specified, the maximum group size for our trips is 12 people. However, the maximum number can be exceeded by one participant if the last person to register wishes to travel with another person. The services will not be altered, and the conditions of your trip will remain the same.

We accept pre-formed groups larger than 12 people.

We may exceptionally be forced to cancel a departure if the minimum number of participants is not reached. This decision will be communicated to you no later than 21 days before the originally scheduled departure date.

An alternative solution may be offered. If the proposed alternatives are not suitable, your payments will be fully refunded, with no additional compensation. Any costs incurred by you remain your responsibility (e.g., purchase of tickets from the province to Paris, international flights, hotels, necessary travel equipment).

For individual travelers:
Depending on the number of people wishing to travel together, we can adjust the supervision and logistics to the group size.

**9.2 - Aisha Tours Ethiopia accepts travelers who have reached at least 18 years of age**

Registration requests for minors traveling without their parents or guardians, and subject to prior approval by Aisha Tours Ethiopia, must be signed by the father, mother, or legal guardian and include the mention “parental or guardian consent.”

Minor travelers, whether accompanied or not, must have either a passport or a passport accompanied by a visa.

It is important to check the documents required by the destination country by consulting the country-specific information sheets on the site diplomatie.gouv.fr. Note that if a child is traveling alone with one of their parents, some countries may require proof that the other parent authorizes the trip.

For minors traveling with one of their parents, guardians, or other adults, ensure that you have the necessary documents for the minor accompanying you (family booklet and national identity card or passport). The minor traveler should also always carry contact details (name, address, and phone numbers) of their parents during the trip to establish direct contact with them.

**10 - Liability**

In accordance with Article L. 211-17 of the French Tourism Code, Aisha Tours Ethiopia cannot be held responsible for the consequences of events beyond its control, including:

- Loss or theft of airline tickets by the traveler, as airlines do not issue duplicates.
- Failure to present or presentation of expired or insufficiently valid identity and/or health documents (passport, visa, vaccination certificates…) or non-compliance with the prescribed formalities (including the recommendations in Article 2 above). In case of failure to check in (including delays in boarding), 100% of the total service amount will be retained.
- Incidents or unforeseeable and insurmountable events caused by a third party such as wars, political unrest, strikes not involving Aisha Tours Ethiopia, riots, technical or administrative incidents not involving Aisha Tours Ethiopia, airspace congestion, bankruptcy of a service provider, severe weather, delays (including delays in mail services for sending tickets, passports…), breakdowns, loss or theft of luggage or other personal effects of travelers.

Delays caused by the above-mentioned cases and any resulting itinerary/program changes will not entitle you to any compensation from Aisha Tours Ethiopia, including due to changes in the initially planned duration of the trip or delays at a stopover. Any additional costs related to disruptions (taxes, hotels, parking, purchasing new transport tickets…) will be borne by the traveler.

Cancellation imposed by circumstances amounting to force majeure and/or for reasons related to maintaining traveler safety and/or at the request of an administrative authority. Aisha Tours Ethiopia reserves the right to change dates, times, or itineraries if it deems that traveler safety cannot be ensured, without the traveler being entitled to any compensation.

**11 - Insurance**

Clients are advised to take out sufficient insurance to cover personal accidents, medical expenses, loss of luggage, trip cancellation, repatriation, and death.

Aisha Tours Ethiopia offers individual or group insurance contracts through "Evolution" Explorassur (Assurinco). The rate depends on the trip price and will be communicated to you in the quote.

From the date of your subscription, you have a 30-day cooling-off period starting from the date of the insurance subscription. Requests for cancellation must be made in writing using the form available from Aisha Tours Ethiopia.

Refunds in case of cancellation will be subject to a deductible per insured person and after applying the scale (see Article 4. Cancellations). A copy of the general terms and conditions of the subscribed insurance will be provided to you upon registration or upon request.

If you have arranged your own insurance, you must complete and sign a waiver form to return to us at the time of your registration.

Aisha Tours Ethiopia acts as an agent for national airlines and, as such, accepts no responsibility for any losses, damages, injuries [fatal or otherwise], accidents, delays, or other irregularities that may arise.

Aisha Tours Ethiopia makes every effort to ensure that all arrangements and services related to a passenger's itinerary are carried out according to specifications and/or as efficiently as possible. However, we do not have direct control over the service provided by airlines, which are selected with the utmost care. We accept no responsibility for errors and omissions by these providers.

**12 - Complaints**

As a client, your complaint must be sent in writing by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to Aisha Tours Ethiopia – 39 Rue Périer – 92120 Montrouge (France), as soon as possible after the return date of the trip, accompanied by supporting documents. After contacting our Customer Service and if no satisfactory response is received within a maximum of 60 days, you may contact the Tourism and Travel Mediator, whose contact details and procedures are available on their website: www.mtv.travel.

**13 - Protection of Your Personal Data**

The personal data collected on the registration form or through documents provided in connection with your trip are necessary for the execution of the travel contract and are processed by Aisha Tours Ethiopia. They will be kept for the duration of the contractual relationship plus the legal retention periods. They will only be used by Aisha Tours Ethiopia and its partners and will only be communicated externally for the purposes of managing the trip or to comply with legal and regulatory obligations.

Under the conditions provided by the Data Protection Act as amended in 2018, you can, by addressing your request to: AISHA TOURS ETHIOPIA, 39 Rue Périer – 92120 Montrouge (France), exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, limitation, portability, and objection based on your particular situation. In case of dispute, you can file a complaint with the CNIL at: 3 Place de Fontenoy 75007 Paris. You can also contact the Data Protection Officer responsible for processing at the following email address: info@aishatoursethiopia.com.

Special sales conditions updated in July 2024.


Literal reproduction of Articles R.211-3 to R.211-11 of the Tourism Code, in accordance with Article R.211-12 of the Tourism Code.

**Article R.211-3:** Subject to the exclusions provided in the third and fourth paragraphs of Article L. 211-7, any offer or sale of travel or stay services must be accompanied by appropriate documents that comply with the rules defined in this section. In the case of the sale of airline tickets or regular line transport tickets not accompanied by services related to these transports, the seller provides the buyer with one or more tickets for the entire journey, issued by the carrier or under its responsibility. In the case of on-demand transport, the name and address of the carrier on whose behalf the tickets are issued must be mentioned. Separate billing of various components of the same tourist package does not relieve the seller of the obligations imposed by the regulatory provisions of this section.

**Article R.211-3-1:** The exchange of pre-contractual information or the provision of contractual terms is done in writing. They can be done electronically under the validity and practice conditions set out in Articles 1369-1 to 1369-11 of the Civil Code. The seller’s name or business name, address, and registration details in the register provided for in Article L. 141-3(a) must be mentioned or, if applicable, the name, address, and registration details of the federation or union mentioned in the second paragraph of Article R. 211-2.

**Article R.211-4:** Prior to concluding the contract, the seller must provide the consumer with information about prices, dates, and other elements constituting the services provided during the trip or stay, such as:

- The destination, means, characteristics, and categories of transport used
- The type of accommodation, its location, level of comfort and main features, its accreditation, and its tourist classification according to regulations or customs of the host country
- The catering services offered
- The description of the itinerary if it involves a tour
- Administrative and health formalities to be completed by nationals or by citizens of another European Union member state or a state party to the agreement on the European Economic Area, particularly in the case of crossing borders, and their deadlines
- Visits, excursions, and other services included in the package or potentially available at an additional cost
- The minimum or maximum group size required for the trip or stay, and if the trip or stay is subject to a minimum number of participants, the deadline for informing the consumer in case of cancellation; this date cannot be less than twenty-one days before departure
- The amount or percentage of the price to be paid as a deposit at the time of contract conclusion and the schedule for payment of the balance
- The price revision terms as provided by the contract in accordance with Article R. 211-8
- The conditions for contractual cancellation; 11° The cancellation conditions defined in Articles R.211-9, R.211-10, and R.211-11; 12° Information about the optional subscription to an insurance policy covering the consequences of certain cancellation cases or an assistance contract covering specific risks, including repatriation costs in case of accident or illness
- When the contract includes air transport services, the information for each flight segment as provided in Articles R. 211-15 to R. 211-18

**Article R.211-5:** The preliminary information provided to the consumer is binding on the seller unless the seller expressly reserves the right to modify certain elements. In this case, the seller must clearly indicate the extent to which this modification may occur and which elements are affected. In any event, changes to the preliminary information must be communicated to the consumer before the conclusion of the contract.

**Article R.211-6:** The contract between the seller and the buyer must be written, established in duplicate, with one copy given to the buyer, and signed by both parties. When the contract is concluded electronically, Articles 1369-1 to 1369-11 of the Civil Code apply. The contract must include the following clauses:

- The name and address of the seller, its guarantor, and its insurer, as well as the name and address of the organizer
- The destination or destinations of the trip and, in the case of a split stay, the different periods and their dates
- The means, characteristics, and categories of transport used, the dates and places of departure and return
- The type of accommodation, its location, level of comfort, main features, and its tourist classification according to the regulations or customs of the host country
- The catering services offered
- The itinerary if it involves a tour
- The visits, excursions, or other services included in the total price of the trip or stay
- The total price of the services billed and any potential revision of this billing under the provisions of Article R.211-8
- Any applicable fees or taxes related to specific services such as landing, disembarkation, or boarding fees at ports and airports, and tourist taxes if not included in the price of the services provided
- The payment schedule and terms of the price; the final payment made by the buyer cannot be less than 30% of the trip or stay price and must be made upon delivery of the documents enabling the trip or stay
- The special conditions requested by the buyer and accepted by the seller
- The terms under which the buyer can make a claim for non-performance or poor performance of the contract, which must be addressed as soon as possible, by any means providing an acknowledgment of receipt to the seller, and if necessary, reported in writing to the trip organizer and the service providers concerned
- The deadline for informing the buyer in the event of cancellation of the trip or stay by the seller if the trip or stay is subject to a minimum number of participants, in accordance with the provisions of 7° of Article R. 211-4
- Contractual cancellation conditions
- Cancellation conditions provided in Articles R.211-9, R.211-10, and R.211-11
- Details concerning the risks covered and the amount of coverage under the professional liability insurance contract of the seller
- Information about the insurance contract covering the consequences of certain cancellation cases subscribed by the buyer (policy number and insurer name) and details about the assistance contract covering specific risks, including repatriation costs in case of accident or illness; in this case, the seller must provide the buyer with a document specifying at least the covered and excluded risks
- The deadline for informing the seller in case of assignment of the contract by the buyer
- The commitment to provide the buyer, at least ten days before the scheduled departure date, with the following information:
- The name, address, and phone number of the seller’s local representation or, if not available, the names, addresses, and phone numbers of local organizations that can assist the consumer in case of difficulty, or, if not available, an emergency contact number with the seller
- For trips and stays for minors abroad, a phone number and address allowing direct contact with the child or the responsible person on-site
- The termination clause and refund without penalties of the amounts paid by the buyer in case of failure to comply with the information obligation set out in 13° of Article R. 211-4
- The commitment to provide the buyer, in due time before the trip or stay begins, with the departure and arrival times.

**Article R.211-7:** The buyer can transfer their contract to a third party who meets the same conditions for undertaking the trip or stay, as long as the contract has not yet been executed. Unless a more favorable stipulation applies to the transferor, they must inform the seller of their decision by any means providing an acknowledgment of receipt no later than seven days before the trip begins. In the case of a cruise, this period is extended to fifteen days. This transfer is not subject to prior authorization from the seller.

**Article R.211-8:** When the contract includes an express possibility for price revision, within the limits set out in Article L. 211-12, it must specify the precise terms for calculating price changes, both upward and downward, including the amount of transport costs and related taxes, the currency or currencies that may affect the price of the trip or stay, the portion of the price to which the variation applies, and the exchange rate(s) used as a reference when establishing the price in the contract.

**Article R.211-9:** When, before the buyer’s departure, the seller is forced to make a significant change to one of the essential elements of the contract, such as a substantial price increase, and fails to meet the information obligation mentioned in 13° of Article R. 211-4, the buyer may, without prejudice to any claims for damages possibly incurred, and after being informed by the seller by any means providing an acknowledgment of receipt:

- Either terminate their contract and receive an immediate refund of the amounts paid without penalty
- Or accept the modification or the substitute trip proposed by the seller; an amendment to the contract specifying the changes made is then signed by the parties; any reduction in price will be deducted from any remaining amounts due by the buyer, and if the payment already made exceeds the price of the modified service, the excess must be refunded to the buyer before the departure date.

**Article R.211-10:** In the case provided for in Article L.211-14, when, before the buyer's departure, the seller cancels the trip or stay, they must inform the buyer by any means providing an acknowledgment of receipt; the buyer, without prejudice to any claims for damages that may have been incurred, will receive from the seller an immediate and penalty-free refund of the amounts paid; in this case, the buyer will receive compensation at least equal to the penalty they would have borne if the cancellation had been made by them at that date. The provisions of this article in no way prevent the conclusion of an amicable agreement for the acceptance by the buyer of a substitute trip or stay proposed by the seller.

**Article R.211-11:** When, after the buyer's departure, the seller is unable to provide a significant part of the services stipulated in the contract representing a substantial percentage of the price paid by the buyer, the seller must immediately take the following measures without prejudice to any claims for damages that may have been incurred:
- Either offer replacement services for the planned services, possibly bearing any additional costs, and if the services accepted by the buyer are of lower quality, the seller must refund the difference in price to the buyer upon their return.
- If no replacement services can be offered or if the offered replacements are refused by the buyer for valid reasons, provide the buyer, at no additional cost, with transport tickets to ensure their return under conditions that can be considered equivalent to the departure point or to another location agreed upon by both parties.

The provisions of this article apply in the event of non-compliance with the obligation set forth in 13° of Article R. 211-4.

**General Sales Conditions updated July 2024.**

In case of a contradiction between different versions of the general sales conditions, the version available on the website www.aishatoursethiopia.com will prevail.




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