The Karo people
The Karo, the only fully sedentary people in the region, mainly group together in the villages of Douss and Kotcho on the eastern bank of the Omo.

Karo and Omo River
The Karos mainly take care of the livestock, while during the sowing and harvest season, they spread out into the surrounding fields where they cultivate cereals, cotton and sugar cane.
The end of the harvest is celebrated with a festival that lasts several days.
The men cover almost their entire body and face with white and red vegetable paint, the parts of skin left bare forming varied patterns. They jump with both feet as high as possible and dance miming the games of love, while the women, dressed in their most beautiful finery, strut around, then join their favorite in the dance.
The birth rate is decided by the elders. This birth planning, intended to limit the tribe in relation to its possibility of survival, is currently and voluntarily reversed by the council, the figure of 1,000 souls being the last limit before the progressive disappearance of an ethnic group.