Ethiopian churches and incursion into Simien

Simien Mountains National Park is home to the highest peak in Ethiopia and one of the highest in Africa, Ras Dashan. it has become the refuge of other rare species such as the Ethiopian wolf or the Semien fox, as well as more than 50 species of birds.

Cradle of the glorious history of Ethiopia, your trip will include a visit to the castles of Gondar, capital of Ethiopia in the 17th century, the monasteries of Lake Tana in Bhirdar and the rock churches of Lalibella and its surroundings.

Your 3-day, 2-night camping trek will take you through landscapes covered by deep gorges, jagged corks and striking rock towers. You will go from Debrak to Sankaber, Chenek, Immet Gogo and return via Ayna Meda.

The Simien Mountains are a refuge for many endemic species such as the Gelada baboon, the Walia Ibex, many species of birds and giant lobelias. The park was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1974.

The main points

  • A 3-day trek in Simien
  • encounter with endemic species such as Gelada and Ibex
  • the most beautiful churches and monasteries in the region
  • Churches of Asheten Mariam and Yemrehana Kristos
Day 1: Addis Ababa

On arrival in Addis Ababa transfer to your hotel. Depending on your arrival time, the rest of the day is dedicated to visiting the city,

the National Museum where you visit the various archaeological finds (including the Lucy skeleton replicas).

In the afternoon you will visit the Trinity Cathedral and the mausoleum of Menelik II.

Hotel night

Day 2: Flight to BharDar Lake Tana Monastery / Day 3: Visit to the castles of Gondar

Day 2: Early morning transfer to the airport and flight to Bhardar.

Then you will continue to the small town of Tiss Abay (32km rough road) to visit the impressive Blue Nile Falls, known locally as Tis Issat which means “Smoke of Fire” in Amharic. You will reach it by an easy 30-minute walk through the countryside where you can discover the way of life of the villagers of this region. Much of the Blue Nile's water is diverted for the hydroelectric plant, but you can admire the waterfalls, hike around them and discover the Portuguese bridge (17th century) and the surrounding countryside.

After the Blue Nile Falls, return to Bahir Dar. In the afternoon, you will go on a boat trip on Lake Tana to visit the monasteries (built between the 14th and 19th centuries). You will be able to visit only the most accessible and representative of the monasteries which are still active: Ura Kidane Mehret and Azwa Maryam (on the Zeghie peninsula).

Night in hotel in Bhardar

Day 3: After breakfast, drive from Bahir Dar to Gondar. On the way you will visit the Awra Amba community.

After lunch in Gondar, discovery of the castles of Emperor Fassiladas, its swimming pool, the palace of Empress Minitab, the banquet hall

of Emperor Bakaffa the church of Debre Birhan (Light of the Trinity) dating from the 17th century

Night in hotel in Gondar

Day 4: Gondar - Simien Sankaber Mountains

Early departure for the Simien mountains. Stop at Debark to finalize the organization of your trek with the National Park headquarters. You will meet your guide.

You continue to Sankaber, the first camp of your trek. You will experience your first impressions of the beauty of this mountainous region, these extraordinary landscapes, while enjoying the Gelada baboons endemic to Ethiopia.

Night in Camping

Starting from 2.590,00 € / person

This price includes

  • Accommodation in double room***/**** hotels and campsites
  • Full board
  • Non-alcoholic drinks
  • 4 x 4 car and/or minibus, driver and fuel
  • All entries
  • All camping equipment (excluding sleeping bags)
  • Cook and kitchen equipment for trekking
  • Mules and muleteers for trekking
  • French speaking local guide for the entire duration of the trip
  • Specialized local guides for northern sites
  • Boat on Lake Tana
  • Experienced local guide for Trekking
  • All transfers
  • All government taxes

This price does not include

  • International flights
  • Visa
  • Cancellation / Repatriation insurance
  • Laundry service
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Fees for videos and photos
  • Tips

Single room supplement: 260.00 euros per person



A la carte
Details of your trip
Code : 403
  • 10 days / 9 nights
  • October 26, 2024
    November 10, 2024
    December 7 and 21, 2024
  • Hotels / Camping
  • Transport : 

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